Without in-app context,

how can you know if it’s malicious?

Without in-app context, how can you know if it’s malicious?

We’ve left runtime unprotected

We have unprecedented visibility and control over the SDLC process  but not enough when our applications are in production

Today’s attackers are taking advantage of distributed application architecture

Sophisticated attacks manipulate applications by using the chains of trust between different application services.

The biggest application breaches slipped 
by current tools

Solutions like WAF and EDR are blind to what actually takes place inside your applications.The only way to catch attackers is by understanding application behaviors from within.

What is ADR?

ADR is a proactive approach to AppSec that continuously monitors flows between application services to detect and respond to cyberattacks. Using in-app runtime context, ADR establishes baseline standards of behavior between different services, data flows and authentication mechanisms to identify and prevent malicious activities.

Understand how applications actually function when they’re live to identify when things go wrong.

Continuously monitor applications in production

Map and baseline chains of trust between distributed 
application services

Identify weak points and manage risk.

Monitor in-app changes to detect and manage drift.

Attack identification and mitigation

Leverage in-app context to pinpoint unexpected behaviors.

In the event of breach, contain and deliver precise incident responses.

Identify the specific user behind malicious activity, locate affected areas and recommend effective remediation strategies.

The first EDR for applications

Real time detection of exploitation
Pre-event indication of exploitable flow
Building run-time-aware application inventory
Mapping in-application data and authentication flows
Baselining run-time application behavior and code execution flow
Analyzing Application level transactions 
in real-time

Discover your application flows and map weaknesses

Book a demo
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